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About Digital Space Commons

Digital Space Commons Atmosphere Team

Bruce Damer

Bruce Damer is a Principal and founder of Digital Space Commons and a founding director of the Contact Consortium, Silicon Valley-based organization dedicated to the development of multi-user graphical virtual worlds on the Internet.
The Consortium has an extensive individual and institutional membership and hosts several conferences and colloquia annually on topics of advanced virtual communities and their applications. Recent Consortium projects include a 3D virtual town (Sherwood Forest), a virtual university and architecture competition (The U), a virtual garden world (Nerve Garden), development of virtual learning spaces (, the Digital Biology Project and Conference ( and a global cyber-conference: Avatars98, Avatars99, and Avatars2000.

Bruce's company Digital Space Commons builds virtual world platforms and content and creates innovative spaces for such clients as NASA (a virtual habitat on Mars) and Adobe Systems Inc. (Adobe's Atmosphere community).Bruce is a graduate of the University of Southern California and has a career background in software engineering having built some of the original personal computer GUI systems based on the Xerox Star workstation.

Bruce lectures extensively around the world including a recent tour for his book "Avatars". Bruce's writings and work have appeared in numerous scientific journals and received coverage in the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, San Jose Mercury News, Los Angeles Times, Leonardo, CNNfn, CNET,
Suddeutchland Zeitung, Ars Electronica CyberArts, 3D Design, SIGGRAPH, COMDEX, Info World, Knowledge Management, and elsewhere.

He is currently developing a "real" cyber-community on a farm in the Santa Cruz Mountains known as the Digital Garden. Bruce is also a member of the staff at the SFSU Multimedia Studies Program, and a Visiting Scholar at the
University of Washington Human Interface Technology Laboratory.
A more complete bio on his life and work is at:
Atmospherians > About > About Digital Space Commons