About Digital Space Commons
Digital Space Commons Atmosphere Team
Roel Boemers
Rolu is a Computer Science Student, and interested in online multiuser environments.
" When I found Atmosphere in march 1999 (it was still called 3D Anarchy and not yet aquired by Adobe) I liked it immediately, and I have been involved ever since. When Atmosphere went into public beta in march this year I had just over two years of experience with it, and because of this I was in an ideal position to help all the new people, both in the forum as in-world.
Helping people turned out to be a lot of fun, and I have been doing it ever since. I also set up a website about Atmosphere www.roce.org, and I am working on lots of tutorials and scripts. Writing scripts for Atmosphere is my area of experience, and it's always nice to see how a script of mine is used in someone else's world.
I hope to be involved with Atmosphere for many years to come!"