Atmospherians > Showcase > Commercial

Atmosphere is serious business

A White Paper

5. Invitation

This White Paper was meant to introduce you to Atmosphere, to give you an idea of who is bringing it to you, Adobe, and what is under the hood and what can be created in terms of a whole new online experience. I personally hope that you will take a tour of some of the excellent spaces built by Adobe, our team, and ordinary net users out there who are forming the kernel of an Atmosphere creative and community citizenry.

How can you find Atmosphere? Its easy, just point your Web browser to: to download Atmosphere. There are links to the worlds you have seen described in this document at that site and also at DigitalSpace's own Atmosphere home page at:

Your feedback is valued during this Beta period and the Adobe team will be listening carefully and making changes you suggest. So feel warmly welcomed to our new world. Hope to see you there soon!
Bruce Damer
March 2001
Atmospherians > Showcase > Commercial