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A bright and innovative site using Atmosphere, we spoke to PROBEHEAD, the team behind Popworlds.
How do you see people using your worlds?
We have no answer to this because we cannot see any limitations. It might be kind of a bold stand we are taking here, but we are convinced that worlds of cyberspace very soon will be for all user groups and function. In the immediate future, again I see entertainment as a focus. So people hang out together in stimulating environments - gathering around a certain theme (pop is one) - and have fun.
Do you have further expansion plans for Popworlds?
We are currently in talks with management teams and record labels of some major artists. They are pretty exited about the whole thing. This industry is very promising for online worlds. Nobody would care less about download time and plug-ins that loyal music fans. So , yes we have such plans and we are currently in the business of bringing people together. The artists and record companies on the one site, the sponsors and the software industry on the other.
And when could we expect to see more from PROBEHEAD
Before Xmas there will be only one more launch. Object oriented 3d content. Check it out

Popworlds in particular were designed with the fans in mind. Fans of popular music groups and artists. We were thinking what makes these fans tic, what excites them. You know, some of them are real fanatics and they are full of positive energy. They are very demanding, but lovely at the same time. So we designed it all to fit their specific needs. Texture maps, gadgets, forms, music and so on were all customized for the fans. Popworlds in the online version is (only) a general prototype testing the possibilities of atmosphere. So in one world for instance you will find a hair saloon that looks like it's taken out of the artist's videos or in another you will find rooms that are furnished according to her specific style and so on.We have actually designed specific worlds for artists and their fans.
Visit POPWORLDS and experience it for yourself.

Atmospherians > Showcase > Entertainment