Roundheads forever! |
The Palace is a venerable platform and underwent many changes of hands since it debut back in '95. Currently the main Palace resources are featured at thePalace.com:

Other Palace sites include:
PalaceTools has the live directory wich shows you the online Palaces and user count.
PalacePlanet has
the most resources links, articles, downloads, up to date manuals, roomart gallery and events calendar.
A look at life
In the Palace Chat Cosmos

Electric Mind's Palace Opens!

Party in the Palace
Palace Hot Activities and Useful Sites
The Palace official pages
The Palace Home Page is at http://www.thepalace.com.
Palace citizen pages

Note: many of the links below may no longer be working, they could possibly be found by entering them into the WayBackMachine at The Internet Archive.
The Palace Ring of WWW sites is at http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Park/5049/palacering.html.
A large study by psychologist John Suler focusing on Life in The Palace, Cyberpsychology Case Study is at http://www.rider.edu/users/suler/psycyber/palacestudy.html.
Nathan Wagoner is an avid Palace pro and designer of art for Palace sites. His company is Room2, and can be found at http://www.room2.com. Thanks for this list, Nathan!
See Cybertown's futuristic star-wars Palace community.
Join the party in Electronic Cafe International. in the ECI Palace.
See Finch Interactive's The Finch Nest and their beautiful Palace rooms.
Adam's Palace Pro Shop (Is It Eating Your Life Too?) is at http://callisto.syr.edu/~alrubin/palace/palace.html.
An article in Urban Desires can be found at http://desires.com/2.0b3/Toys/Palace/palace.html and also Dr. Xenu's Guide to Props and Botsólot's of help for building Palaces is at http://desires.com/2.0b3/Toys/Palace/palace.html.
Chris Miner's Palace tutorial for Windows users is at http://www.itsnet.com/home/lminer/palace/.
Palace events and interviews
Doings in the Palace: Interview with Bruce Damer, Coyote and Mr. Rotten is also found (abbreviated) along with many other great interviews at Zenda Events: Interviews at Minds Palace
Past Palace Worlds and Links (now mostly dead or archived links)
Minds Palace
The Minds Palace was a Palace world created to explore new forms of social interaction. Developed by Zenda Studio as a companion to Howard Rheingold's new Electric Minds web site, this site featured the day-glo visuals of comic artist Jim Woodring, the creative direction of Mark "Spoonman" Petrakis and all sorts of new inter-activities, such as Zenda's addictive Charebus game. For example, you could make your own character from a large collection of outrageous body parts and, if you're lucky, you got your 15 seconds of fame in our monument t cool avatars. See some past events in Minds Palace including:. Doings in the Palace: Interview with Bruce Damer, Coyote and Mr. Rotten along with many other great interviews at Zenda Events: Interviews at Minds Palace
Former Palace citizen pages
Rover's Doghouse is at http://www.ultranet.com/~rover
Eric D's IptScrae Resource Center can be found at http://www.chatlink.com/~peanut/iptscrae.html
The Palace Everything Page is at http://rogue.northwest.com/~gb1018/welcome.html
Former Palace official pages
The Palace FAQ can be found at http://www.thepalace.com/palace-faq.html
The Palace Community Standards Discussion Group is at http://www.thepalace.com/discussion-groups.html.
(Please post your experiences, insights, and suggestions for the benefit of all Palace users).
The Palace Directory is at http://mansion.thepalace.com/cgi-bin/directory.pl.
Palace downloads (software and multimedia assets) can be obtained from http://www.thepalace.com/downloads.html.
Palace documents (manuals) are posted at http://www.thepalace.com/documentation.html.
Palace discussion groups are listed at http://www.thepalace.com/discussion-groups.html.
Palace-related Web pages official link page is at http://www.thepalace.com/web-pages.html.
Palace advertising policy is at http://www.thepalace.com/advertising.html.
Instructions on connecting through online services can be found at:
How to register for The Palace is described at http://www.thepalace.com/register.html.
Palace anonymous ftp sites are as follows:
In North America: ftp://ftp.thepalace.com;
In Europe: ftp://buene.uni-muenster.de/pub/mirror/thePalace/.
Lastly, Doug Mehus gives us the following great Palace resources:
The first is The Palace Legacy Project (http://www.palacechat.us/), which houses the largest collection of official Palace downloads, manuals, and other plugins or tools. It also contains links to other resources on the Internet relating to Palace software. I'm sure you'll find it more than suitable for adding. I would, of course, provide a reciprocal link back to The Digital Space Commons.
The second site is Palace Events Magazine, which has basically replaced PalaceNewz in terms of readership. It's an online webzine for Palace users, targeting the over 21+ crowd, and uses php-Nuke. Its URL is http://www.palacemag.com/.
The last one is the Practice Palace website (http://practice.chatserve.com/). It is run by Glide, a former Communities.com employee, and has great tutorials and other useful information.
Get more help about the Palace from Erik at: <mystican@virtualverse.net> of VirtualVerse Networks
PalaceTools a great palace tools site and home of the PDG (Palace Developer's Group)
Listing of Palaces, events, articles at DMOZ
24 Hours On The Palace (24HOP) 5th annual event and Mystican's Photo Album from the December 2000 Event at VirtualVerse Networks