& Winter |
A Cornucopia of Flowers, Fall 1999
Magnificent Magnolia
Terra Cotta Pot-o-Petunias Petunia View ??? ??? ??? ??? More Petunias Bugenvillia Naked Ladies in front of the barn Naked Ladies by the house Magnolia Up Close Magnolia getting set to bloom
Sweet Pea Yellow Rose before the deer got it! A Rose in Summer Sunflower in the fall before gophers got it! Cactus apples Sheen of new cactus leaf Big cactus bloom Italian Cypress towering above apples
Cacti in pot and in bloom
Holly ready for christmas Oleander in bloom in late fall Oleander by the back road Thistle by the horse stalls at the barn Mint in bloom on the back road Thistle in seed
Century plant blooming and attacting hummingbirds Century plant towers
Succulent flowering (top) and Ice Plant cometh (bottom) ??? in the Zen garden
The Oaks at Ancient Oaks
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(cc) 1996- Bruce Damer... want to use something from this site? See rights granted under my Creative Commons license and contact me.