& Winter |
A Harvest of Fruits, Nuts, and Vegetables
Galen harvesting our glorious Early Girl tomatos.. all year!
Varigated apples hang heave Red delicious in copious quantities More delicious off the bough Apples galore in '99 Apples on the vine.. boy is pruning needed! Mouintain pears in huge sizes Green oranges ready for winter ripening Grapefruit growing full in fall Nuts or what?? Thompson's seedless hanging on the vine Grapes on the deck waiting for birds Dread blackberries make sweet offerings and pies!
Deer consuming our apples (fallen and rotting best to his taste)Produce of the Greenhouse
Squash flower Squash results More squash Basil plant that never stopped giving Early Girl tomatos on the vine Ripening Tomatos produced.. till March! Questionable plant?
Gopher Purge guards the area below the greenhouse
Products of the greenhouse and orchard Almond trees producing for the squirrels Shrooms to eat? Shrooms definitely not to eat!
Fruit ready for cold storage
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