& Winter |
Views of Fall and Winter
Leaf on Redwood needles, sure sign it is Fall!
Glowing colors through the maple Copper hued maple leaves Maple and ornamental plum from below Teahouse view after a rain Yellowing fronts of ??? Maple and Redwood Ancient Oaks view from the upper road Back yard with teahous and redding maple View of back of property from barn roof Teahouse view again
Winter Descends
Copper leaves at start of Winter Glorious Winter Sunset Creek rages during a heavy storm
conduits and my trench coursing carry mostLawn (and gopher) are flooded out
during incessant rains this area is known for
Snow at Ancient Oaks! Views from Winter 2001
Working Farm
Bob and Preston pruing the fruit trees and cypress (boy did they need it!)
New Years in the New Millennium
Sowing the back meadow with Fava Beans, Vetch, Rye and Wildflowers
See what came up
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(cc) 1996- Bruce Damer... want to use something from this site? See rights granted under my Creative Commons license and contact me.