- Getting to Robben Island Prison
- Take a Tour of Robben Island Prison
- About Robben Island Prison
- Some Current News about Nelson and Winnie Mandel
A visit to the infamous prison island off the coast of South Africa. Robben Island was home to current South African president Nelson Mandela and many others incarcerated as political and common criminal prisoners during the last 3 decades.
Robben Island is a key site in the political history of this century and is now open as a museum. I hope that this website can serve as a quick tour and background on this important site.
Bruce Damer
A Tour of Robben Island Prison
Click on the images to get a larger view
On the maiden voyage to Robben Island
on the brand new Makana, high speed catamaran service
A Tour of Robben Island Prison
Click on the images to get a larger view
Greeted by Lionel Davis, former prisoner,
for our tour of the facility
Memorial items in an art exhibit at prisoners' lockers
The traveler and photographer, Bruce Damer, at the work yard in the prison
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(cc) 1996- Bruce Damer... want to use something from this site? See rights granted under my Creative Commons license and contact me.