In November of 1997 I traveled through the Kingdom of Swaziland, a delightful African country on the border with South Africa. The following is a small gallery of pictures from this true heart of africa small nation. I would like to thank my chauffeur, Shane Blakebrough, and host Bruce Griffiths for this incredible introcution to deepest, darkest Africa! See the homepage for Hawana Park where we stayed and the other Southern African pictures.
Swaziland: Experience Authentic Africa
Click on the images to get a larger view
Swazi woman with common mode of package carrying
Traditional Swazi beehive huts
"Test of Taste" Take Away in Piggs Peak
Hillside village at Piggs Peak
Swazi subsistence farming valley
Swazi Internet Center!
(Its really better than that!)
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(cc) 1996- Bruce Damer... want to use something from this site? See rights granted under my Creative Commons license and contact me.