Darwin@Home - Join the D@H Mailing List
Quick Guide to the DarwinAtHome Mailing List
Get Signed Up!
For multi-way discussion about The Darwin@Home project, teams technologies and philosophical issues, sign up for the DarwinAtHome mailing list.To join the DarwinAtHome mailing list (multi-way discussion, digest version available), please take the following simple steps:
- Click here and use our BIOTA-DARWINATHOME mailman interface to submit your email address to the list (and pick a password).
- To prevent anyone from subscribing you without permission, confirmation from your email address is required. Instructions will be sent to you at the email address you gave in step 1. Please note that your subscription will not start until you confirm it by replying to this email.
- If you have a problem send an email to list moderator via our Webmaster.
Posting to the List
To post to DarwinAtHome simply follow the instructions in your confirmation email or send mail to Biota-DarwinAtHome at lists dot ccon dot org.Unsubscribing
To UNSUBSCRIBE you can use our mailman interface.For DarwinAtHome go to the bottom of the BIOTA-DARWINATHOME mailman page and enter your email address and press Unsubscribe or edit options. You will then be prompted to enter your subscription password to unsubscribe. If you forgot your subscription password it can be requested by email on the Edit Options page.
If you have a problem that can't be resolved by the above methods, please send an email to our Webmaster.
To receive occasional news about Darwin@Home and Biota.org (organizational host of the project) you can join the Biota mailing list.
If you would like your project considered for inclusion in Darwin@Home then, please contact us.
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