Darwin@Home - Sponsors and Supporters
Darwin@Home is supported in financial and other ways by the following organizations:
Biota.org, the nonprofit special interest group of the Contact Consortium which was established in 1997 for the specific purpose of developing the community that could make a future Darwin@Home possible.
DigitalSpace Corporation, a California corporation devoted to research and development in the virtual worlds medium, established in 1995 and currently providing infrastructural and financial support of Darwin@Home through its work for NASA.
USC School of Cinema-TV, Interactive Media Division, Los Angeles California, for providing the venue for the launch of Darwin@Home on January 12, 2005, and for collaborating with a graduate intern project to build a Darwin@Home platform in the Spring of 2005.
The extended communty of Biota and Artificial Life researchers, developers and artists who have supported this movement over the past two decades. Some of these people are serving in our board of advisors.
If you would like to sponsor or otherwise support Darwin@Home then, please contact us.
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Biota.org, a Special Interest Group of the Contact Consortium