The Digital Space Commons Presents
DriveOnMars in the News,
around the Web, and at Events around the World
DriveOnMars at Events around the World
May 29, 2004 Drive On Mars will shown live (with audience interaction) at the Digital Be-In 13: The Transparent Network San Francisco’s original socially-conscious cyberculture happening!
AVATARS2004 AvaMars screen shots of Traveler and DriveOnMars
DriveOnMars on TV!
Feb 27, 2004: DriveOnMars was featured on TechTV's program "The Screen Savers - PC Prophecy Special"
DriveOnMars around the Web
See Google's search listings for DriveOnMars
Feb 27, 2004: KurzweilAI.net features Bruce Damer's article Global Cyberspace and Personal Memespace which talks about DriveOnMars.
Feb 16, 2004: VRMLabor news from Atom.co.jp (in Japanese) about DriveOnMars and AvaMars.
Feb 11, 2004: Pittsburgh Post-Gazette story linking DriveOnMars A virtual tour of Mars: Internet sites offer window on Rover mission
Feb 7, 2004: Atmosphere Central features DriveOnMars.
February 2004: Rambal Robots features DriveOnMars (in Spanish).
Jan 12, 2004: Federal Computer Week online magazine Download featuring DriveOnMars
Jan 3, 2004: MarsNews' listing of DriveOnMars
January 2004: The San Francisco Robotics Society of America featured DriveOnMars on its site
December 2003: The Mars Society featured DriveOnMars on its site
March 2003: Planetary Society Report (in Japanese) on the CONTACT conference that featured DriveOnMars
Google's search listings for DriveOnMars
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