The VLearn3D Mission
The VLearn3D Initiative began in December 1998 as part of the Contact Consortium
to address the current trends and needs of educators who are developing,
adopting and pioneering virtual environments for education. The goal of
VLearn 3D is to provide immediate access to people, tools, resources and
ideas that can help them make quick progress in this emerging field. In
September, 2000 through a volunteer effort, VLearn3D is opening its first
3D education world and online libary, "Bibliotheca Vita Futura."
The CCon V-Learn Initiative seeks to:
Identify Individuals
and institutions who have made a commitment to using shared virtual
spaces in educational settings. |
Provide a much-needed
worldwide network hub for these individuals and institutions by offering
an evolving V-Learn3D annotated resource center online. |
Provide educators,
students, administrators and others with a forum for regular online
and inworld communication and collaboration. |
Encourage the
creation of a growing virtual educational community by presenting
and supporting regular events, seminars and collaboration opportunities
inworld and online. |
Assist educators
and students in adopting and using virtual world technologies through
a growing multi-disciplinary network of experts. |
Acknowledge ongoing
programs and chart their continuing growth and evolution. |
Support innovative
educational programs, learning modules, conferences and seminars whose
focus is the development and dissemination of shared virtual spaces
for learning. |
Pursue grants
or other funding for the support of collaborative research and development
of V-Learn3D environments. |
The VLearn3D Committee
Bonnie DeVarco, Co-Chair
is a researcher, writer, educator and virtual world developer. As a member
of the Board of Directors of CCon.org, she founded the VLearn3D intiative
in 1998. During the past fifteen years she has participated in a broad range
of educational programs and publications both online and offline and has
developed web sites and 3D multi-user virtual environments that turn digital
resources into useful educational tools including VHS, V-UCSC, BioLearn
and others. She serves as research and development coordinator for the UC
College Prep Initiative and currently produces local and global events through
UCSC's "Tech Innovation 2000." She holds a BA in cultural anthropology and
carried out her graduate studies in dance ethnology at UCLA and archive
management at UC Berkeley. From 1989 to 1995 she was chief archivist for
the Buckminster Fuller Archives, recently acquired by Stanford University.
Margaret Corbit, Co-Chair
is a member of the staff at the Cornell Theory Center(CTC). She researches
and writes articles describing many aspects of the science conducted at
and/or supported by the CTC for its online publications. Corbit also coordinates
the development of the online informal science education sites which include
online science books and special online exhibits. As part of her longtime
commitment to get 3D data files and illustrations onto the net in a useful
way, she founded and currently develops Cornell Theory Center's SciCentr
world in Active Worlds and in the AWEdu Education Universe. Corbit is on
the board of directors for the Contact Consortium and hosted the first V-Learn
Conference in May of 1999.
Bruce Damer, Advisory Committee
Damer: President and CEO, DigitalSpace Corporation, Director, Contact Consortium,
author "Avatars" (Peachpit Press, 1998), "Virtual Worlds" (Perseus Press,
1998). Bruce Co-directs the Contact Consortium, a 35 institution research
and development consortium bringing virtual worlds to the net. He is a visiting
scholar at the University of Washington HIT Lab and a Silicon Graphics Vanguard
of Visual Computing. Bruce holds degrees in Computer Engineering, Physics
and Political Science. He is the author of AVATARS! - Exploring and Building
Virtual Worlds on the Internet.
Patrick McKercher, Advisory Committee
grew up in S. California, working in a variety of hunger and development
organizations on reservations, in cities, and in Mexico and Guatemala. He
studied literature and rhetoric at San Diego State University before receiving
a Ph.D. at the University of British Columbia, writing a dissertation on
Kenneth Burke and his parallels to General Systems Theory, which laid the
groundwork for a new cognitive basis for rhetoric. Currently he teaches
writing at the University of California, Santa Cruz, investigating the educational
potential of digital technologies and how they can be used to build bridges
to the public schools.
Andrew Phelps, Advisory Committee
Andrew is
an Assistant Professor at the Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT) serving
in the Dept. of Information Technology. He began work in 3D coming from
a traditional art background, and holds BFA degrees in both computer graphics
and traditional painting. He has been published in numerous animation trade
magazines and technical publications. While completing his MS in Information
Technology, he became increasingly interested in multi-user virtual world
spaces and currently researches the intersection of a number of long-standing
and emerging technologies including database systems, VRML, Java, and the
External Authoring Interface (EAI). He also currently serves as EAI Working
Group Co-Chair for the Web3D Consortium and is actively involved with numerous
other VRML, V-net and X3D initiatives.
Mandee Tatum, Advisory
Mandee is currently the Vice President of Education Technology for Activeworlds.com
since 1998 and the coordinator and founder of the AW Education Universe,
AWedu, launched in Sept. 1999. She holds a masters from London School of
Economics and has taught English as a Foreign Language online for two years.
Mandee has been developing virtual education centers since 1996.
Penelope & Craig Twining, VLearn World & Library Architects
Penelope and Craig Twining are leading 3D and multi-media designers
based in the U.K. Through their company, Active Art Design, they have developed
and built many multi-user worlds both in Active Worlds and in the Awedu
including educational worlds in the U.K. and USA. The Twinings have donated
their architectural expertise to establish a free building set for new AWedu
users available in Babel world and are the architects of the Vlearn World
and Library in AWedu. |