held at Ancient
The Wedding The Preparations The Ceremony The Family The Couple The Celebration
The Ceremony
Lee and Ron
Nervous Groom and his mother waiting in the wings
Nervous Bride (hardly showing it) inside the house and waiting to follow the bridesmaids to the garden chapel setting
The Families and altar at the garden chapel
Flower Girls: Yaffa, Shaina and Edina Meiners descending
Groom and Bride escorted to the wedding spot
Ron and Jane Meiners / Lee, Tom Gilmore, and Elizabeth Gilmore
Views of the Ceremony
The Ceremony begins
Lighting of the Sage
Ties that bind
Song: Somewhere Over the Rainbow
Water and Wine
The Reading of Vows
The Rings are exchanged
They kiss!
She is spellbound!
(Katie Butcher)
Newlyweds ascending to their new livesThe Wedding The Preparations The Ceremony The Family The Couple The Celebration
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