
On May 16, 2002, the Creative
Commons site was launched and the Intercommons
concept and web site was also made public and referenced by the
Creative Commons. Intercommons proposer DigitalSpace
Corporation entered into a memoranum of understanding with the
Creative Commons formalizing
our collaboration over the past year. DigitalSpace will continue
to work with the Creative Commons providing advice regarding intellectual
property issues from the perspective of a software developer. In
turn, we hope to engage with Creative Commons and others on the
further development of the Intercommons.
The Intercommons
has had an interesting history of development over the past several
years. Some of the significant events in our past and current news

Digital Space Commons
15, 2002: A
privately held, successful, seven year old company, DigitalSpace
Corporation, voted to adopt the Intercommons organizational
design "Code of the Commons"
to reorganize itself into a for-profit non-stock member/licensee
company, changing its name to The
Digital Space Commons. We will be following the process
at this company closely and reporting updates on this site and
on our list.
- October
2002: DigitalSpace
Corporation members attend Internet2
Member's Meeting in Los Angeles.
Damer presenting concept of Commons with slide of Lessig and Supreme
- November
28, 2001:
Intercommons name proposed,
domain names secured
- November
12, 2001:
Damer and Lessig meet again at his book launch event for "The
Future of Ideas", proposal for the creation of a new
marketplace commons and intellectual property conservancey is
again discussed, Lessig encourages further dialogue and discusses
Creative Commons initiative.
- July
19, 2001:
meeting at the Digital
Garden in Northern California including Lawrence Lessig, Ben
Adida, Bill Graves, Jake Bowman, Bruce Damer, Galen Brandt, Alan
Chinowsky and others. An open market with legal, intellectual
property and developer commons is proposed. See a gallery
of photos of this meeting here.
- May
Damer and Lessig meet again at Stanford, Damer commits company
and "MeetingPage" product to path leading to Intercommons
- April
12, 2001:
at the Stanford Cyberlaw Center reintroduces Bruce Damer and
Lawrence Lessig.
- 2000:
Bruce Damer and Jake Bowman first meet, and jointly continue development
of market architecture concepts based on Jake's research and Dee
Hock's VISA International model. This discussion is aided greatly
by Jan Hauser, then of
Sun Microsystems.
- 1996-2002:
Concept development of open marketplace for software, services
and creative digital content progresses throughout the backdrop
of the dot-com era, venture and shareholder value fiascos, and
the growth of the open source movement.
- 1995:
Damer founds DigitalSpace
Corporation, a for-profit cooperative in the field of virtual
worlds and online community, and the Contact
Consortium a not-for-profit open communty in the field of
graphical, multi-user cyberspace, as precursors to the Intercommons
- 1992:
Bruce Damer conceives of a commons of shared intellectual property
and rights to innovate in the "wellspring" concept piece,
while living
in Prague and establishing two software laboratories there.
- 1987:
Bruce Damer first codifys concepts of a shared developer commons
with ability to spin out ventures. This proposal is rejected by
his then employer.
If you would like to
be involved in this project in any way, please do not hesitate
contact us.