Atmospherians > Showcase > Industrial



Brahms VE: A Collaborative Virtual Environment for Mission Operations

Atmosphere helps NASA plan for missions to Mars


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The purpose of this research was to provide a feasibility study and test implementation for a three dimensional, multi-user virtual environment as an interface for the Brahms discrete event agent-based work practice simulation system. The research carried out included:
1) the specification of an interface between Brahms and the Digital Space Commons Oworld (formerly called Dspace1) generic 3D abstraction layer;

2) an initial test implementation of the interface in “scenario 1” (astronaut movement from a habitat vehicle to retrieve a rock) in the Oworld/Java3D environment;

3) the final test implementation in “scenario 2” (two astronauts on rovers traversing a virtual Lowell Canal from the FMARS HMP habitat to retrieve a sample, and returning to the habitat).

The 3D platform used for the second implementation was Atmosphere from Adobe Systems Inc, which was judged superior to the Java3D environment from Sun Microsystems Inc.
Having coded and tested the simulation interface to the 3D OWorld/Atmosphere platform, it was determined that a Brahms model could be represented in a series of sophisticated visualizations. A related IS-supported activity enabled the accurate modeling of the interiors of the HMP habitat structure. This virtual model was used in scenario 2 and could be employed in future work to take actual 2001 field season data and visualize the complexity of interactions within the Brahms VRE 3D representation. 

We feel that that the successful implementation of scenario 2 and resulting NASA internal interest in Phase I justifies Phase II continuation. Beneficiaries of a proposed Phase II “production grade” implementation of Brahms VE could include a broad range of current NASA projects. Brahms VE projects discussed include: future HMP/MDRS science team support, Science Back Room for remote teams interacting with Mars 2003/MER surface operations, Mobile Agents (PSA, JSC robotics), ATV studies, in-situ simulation of ISS operation and station mission control support, environments for online education and public outreach, and an important test of the system with the originally planned detailed recreation of the Apollo XVI ALSEP deployment.

Lastly, it is envisioned that numerous projects in government, industry, K-12 education and college/university, museums and science centers all converge on the need for the simulation, design, and operation of complex 3D environments in which people work or interact. We anticipate a broad range of adoption of Brahms VE as a commercial product in Phase III.

Atmospherians > Showcase > Industrial