Atmospherians > Showcase > Industrial



Brahms VE: A Collaborative Virtual Environment for Mission Operations

Atmosphere helps NASA plan for missions to Mars


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On March 26, 2001, Adobe Systems Inc launched the beta program for Adobe Atmosphere, its entry into the marketplace of multi user 3D virtual environments. As DigitalSpace had a prior relationship with Adobe on the Atmosphere project, we recommended that Atmosphere be used in the next scenario for Brahms VE. Adobe in turn agreed to implement a “JavaScript Spigot” into its standard release, which would allow us to build a complete Brahms simulation into a web page-based environment.
Fig 5: Lower deck view 1
Fig 6: Lower deck view 2,
showing ladder to upper deck
Fig 7: Upper deck view 1
showing conference table
Atmosphere permitted us to engage in realistic recreations of the FMARS environment so that the IS-related modeling could proceed in parallel with the Brahms VE work. Bill Clancey’s 2001 FMARS field season provided over 500 Megabytes of image data, panoramas, and architectural layout canvasses enabling us to produce lifelike recreations of the FMARS habitat interiors. See Figures 5-7 above for results of this modeling effort.
Atmospherians > Showcase > Industrial