Professor Christopher Simon Winter is Development Director at Cyberlife Technology Ltd.
Chris graduated in Biochemistry from Oxford University in 1980, gained a doctorate in Solid State Physics from Lancaster University in 1982 and was then awarded a prestigious 1851 Research Fellowship in 1983. He joined the BT Laboratories at Martlesham Heath in 1985. In the 1980ís he was responsible for teams developing new optical systems for broadband communications on the "Information Superhighway." In 1991 he was a founder member of BT's Artificial Life (ALife) research program, before moving on to head a major project using Artificial Intelligence and intelligent agents to manage information systems and mobile networks. In 1996 he set up a new research group with the goals of finding radical ways to change software design, build intelligent systems and provide new services. He was made a Visiting Industrial Professor of Cybernetics at Reading University in 1997. In May 1998 he joined Cyberlife Technologyy as Development Director in order to see ALife technology being exploited rapidly in the market place.
Chris has frequently presented to the press, TV and radio; and given general lectures to politicians, business leaders, educationalists and school children on the future of computing and communication technology. The presentations are designed to be both entertaining and informative; and to illustrate how the new technologies will impact on people's lives and their businesses. He has published 60 papers and 10 patents on various aspects of information technology, and is currently writing a book with BT's leading futurologist, Ian Pearson, on the "Future of Communications." However the most interesting highlight of his varied career was to have been acknowledged in the back of "3001" by Arthur C. Clarke following a prediction on the future of chip technology.
Abstract of discussion:
"Analogue Computers: the Natural Medium for Evolution
Computing has long been digital. A medium that is ideal for calculations, for precision and for programming; but not necessarily for evolution. Michael Conrad showed in the 1980's that there is a trade-off between systems that are structurally programmable and ones that evolve easily. Nature may store information digitally but it processes in a noisy, thermal analogue environment. Furthermore programming a simulation of highly coupled, non-linear behaviours is very difficult, but building them in analogue circuitry is mush easier. The potential of analogue computers to make evolution and intelligence occur more easily has been overlooked for too long. This talk will be used to explore how, in the near future fusing analogue and digital together could change the very nature of computing. Is real noise essential for life?