Digital Biota II
Further Information

Location and Travel
Digital Biota 2 will be held in beautiful Cambridge, England. Cambridge is a short 50 minute train journey from London's King's Cross Station and 2 hours from London Heathrow Airport. Stanstead Airport is only 20 minutes away. Detailed directions will be provided but a variety of information about Cambridge and surrounding areas is available at CamNet. Railtrack provides on-line timetables.

For those who have never experienced a British summer, suffice it to say that the weather can be unpredictable, however, previous Septembers have been warm and sunny.

Previous Conference
Information about the initiators of the series and last year's Digital Burgess conference is available at

Conference and accomodation will be at Cambridge University's Magdelene College. Full email, fax, internet access and other trappings of modern life are available at CyberLife's modern offices directly across from the college.

Background Information
For more information about Cyberbiology and its applications, there is a selection of papers, information and links available on the CyberLife website.

Enquiries should be emailed to


Printable version of this website
call for participation
further information

Digital Biota 2 is sponsored by

CyberLife Technology

The Contact Consortium