Digital Biota II
This year's venue is Magdalene College (pronounced "maudlin"), Cambridge, England. On the banks of the River Cam, Magdalene is a mediaeval building, dating from 1428, and was the alma mater of Samuel Pepys, whose library is housed in the college. Pepys (who was a contemporary of Isaac Newton) looks down at us from the wall of the ancient dining hall, where electricity has never been installed and dinner is served by candlelight. A perfect location for intense round-table discussions and creative thought!

Conference accommodation is provided in the college itself, which also has secluded gardens just right for informal group conversations. Just across the river are CyberLife's offices, where the technology starved will find email, technology demonstration facilities and the other comforts of modern life.

The spirit of Digital Biota 2 is lively, provocative discussion, rather than an unending series of stagnant presentations. We are fortunate to have guest presenters to stimulate each discussion drawn from a range of backgrounds, from both academia and industry.

Evening dinner lectures are provided by eminent guest speakers, with a keynote on the first night delivered by the world-renowned scientist, lecturer and author Richard Dawkins, Professor for the Public Understanding of Science at Oxford University.

Day Time Event Speaker Title

Thursday, 15:00 Registration and Official Conference Treasure Hunt
September 10th 18:45 Welcome Steve Grand
19:00 Keynote Richard Dawkins The view from real life
(Evening sponsored by Coopers and Lybrand)
20:00 Dinner
21:30 Discussion and Relaxation

9:00 Talk Steve Grand Where Newton went wrong
September 11th 9:45 Talk Bruce Damer How and why is life trying to get into digital space?
10:30 Coffee
11:00 Talk Richard Harris Uses and function of Artificial Life
11:45 Talk Sue Wilcox State of the art - a summary
12:30 Lunch
13:30 Talk Larry Yaeger The evolution of life and intelligence
14:15 Talk Tom Ray Digital biospheres
15:00 Reception, Demonstrations and Tea, sponsored by Scientific Generics
17:00 Relaxation
19:00 Dinner
20:30 Debate Douglas Adams

9:00 Talk Demetri Terzopoulos Artificial Animals
September 12th 9:45 Talk T.B.A.
10:30 Coffee
11:00 Talk Steven Rooke Symbiogenesis
11:45 Talk Aaron Sloman What sorts of brains can support what sorts of minds?
12:30 Lunch
13:30 Talk Chris Winter Analogue: the 2nd coming
14:15 Talk Gordon Selley and Jane Prophet Technosphere
15:00 Tea
15:30 Social event - Punting on the River Cam
18:30 Keynote Maggie Boden The Social Implications of Artificial Life
19:30 Dinner

September 13th
9:00 Talk Rudy Rucker Artificial life and science fiction
9:45 Talk Stuart Gold Architecting Cyberspace
10:30 Coffee
11:00 Closing Keynote Chris Langton Summing up
12:00 Thanks Bruce Damer/
Steve Grand
12:30 Lunch

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Digital Biota 2 is sponsored by

CyberLife Technology

The Contact Consortium