Digital Biota II
Douglas Adams is the creator of all the various contradictory manifestations of The Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy, which include a radio series, a tv series, a stage play, record albums, a computer game, a series of internationally best-selling books, a set of graphic novels and, apotheotically, a bath towel.

In a long and varied career Douglas has also written the Dirk Gently novels, a non-fiction book (Last Chance to See) on endangered species, worked as a chicken shed cleaner, a bodyguard for an Arab royal family, and played guitar for Pink Floyd. Douglas is a founding partner and the Chief Fantasist of The Digital Village.

"Being part of The Digital Village lets me get back to where I once belonged. When I started out I worked in radio, I worked in TV, I worked on stage... I enjoyed experimenting with different media, working with people and, wherever possible, fiddling with bits of equipment. Then I accidentally wrote a best-selling novel and the consequence was that I had to write another and then another. After a decade or so of this I became a little crazed at the thought of spending an entire working life sitting in a room by myself typing. I needed to do a bit of crop rotation. Hence The Digital Village.

"My main role at the Village is to create new projects, to move from one medium to another, to think strategically about new media and to fiddle with bits of equipment."

The first major project has been STARSHIP TITANIC which was a joint venture between The Digital Village and Simon & Schuster Interactive/Viacom. It was released to critical acclaim in April 1998.

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Digital Biota 2 is sponsored by

CyberLife Technology