Dr. Bruce Damer in the news (and select public talks)
Years 2016 | 2015 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008
2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001
2000 | 1999 |1998 | 1997 | 1996 | 1995
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April 1, 2016: Bruce Damer interviewed by Voice of America in Apple Turns 40 in World It Helped Create and also see Daniel Terdiman's FastCompany story
Four Decades of Apple Artifacts
March 17, 2016: Coverage of Prof. Dave Deamer and Dr. Bruce Damer collaboration on origin of life is covered by Quanta Magazine In Warm, Greasy Puddles, the Spark of Life?
February 22, 2016: Wesley A. Clark, Computer Designer, "father of personal, interactive computing" and a great friend passes. See TechRepublc story (quoting Bruce Damer) Wesley A. Clark, legendary computer engineer, dies at 88 and the New York Times Obituary here.
December 3, 2015: Santa Cruz New Tech MeetUp offers glimpse into the future featuring JoBen Bevirt, Shiv Sikand and Bruce Damer on stage at the Del Mar Theater (Santa Cruz Sentinel). See the YouTube video here.
April 2015: TEDx Santa Cruz TEDxSantaCruz, part of Alumni Weekend, to explore "Radical Collaboration" (UC Santa Cruz story). See both TEDx talks here.
November 2013: Computer History Museum Releases Apple II DOS Source Code in collaboration with DigiBarn.
April 2013: The untold story behind Apple's $13,000 operating system on CNET (by Daniel Terdiman).
February 22, 2013 - The DigiBarn released "How Apple Booted Up", fundamental history documents of Apple Computer, Inc. including the agreements, designs and source code listings of the Apple II DOS (1978).
December 31, 2012 - Dr.Bruce's Levity Zone podcast and rich media site launched!
August 30, 2012 - Dr.Bruce presented "Genesis Engines" at Burning Man 2012 (MP3 download here).
June 15-17 2012 - Dr. Bruce Damer and Lorenzo Hagerty presented their second workshop in Terence McKenna: Beyond 2012 at the Esalen Institute, Big Sur, CA. Dr.Bruce's talks were published in audio and video: "Deep Dive into the Mind of Terence McKenna" and "Esalen Redux".
January 28, 2012 - Dr. Bruce Damer and Lorenzo Hagerty presented their first workshop in Terence McKenna: Beyond 2012 (Part1 | Part2 | Part3 | Part4)
January 31, 2012 - Dr.Bruce Damer turned 50, and he and Dhiren Dasu produced and released the fun video "Who is Bruce? The First Fifty Years" to comemorate.
November 19, 2011 - Dr. Bruce Damer appeared in a talk radio show on KSCO with “Conservatives Confront the Ideas of Occupy: A Radical Remake of America” (See the Dr. Future show version at KSCO Santa Cruz here and the RadicalRemake wiki here).
July 13, 2011 - After 26 years at work on it, Bruce is awarded his doctoral degree by University College Dublin, Ireland, becoming "Dr.Bruce". The title of his thesis is: "The EvoGrid, an Approach to Computational Origin of Life Endeavours" (4MB PDF File).
July 3-8, 2011 - Bruce Damer presented two posters at the Origins 2011 Conference in Montpellier, France on the topics of: the "EvoGrid" and the "CREATR Model" (PDF Files).
September 10, 2010 - "Kunstig liv på din maskin" a story on EvoGrid and ChemoGrid with Bruce Damer (in Forskning.no in Norwegian).
August 18-21, 2010 - Bruce Damer's keynote "The Day the Game Came Alive: Virtual Worlds and an Origin of Artificial Life" was presented at IEEE Conference on Computational Intelligence and Games, Copenhagen, Denmark.
June 18, 2010 - Bruce Damer was interviewed by Chris Arkenberg on BoingBoing in the story "Bruce Damer - Burning Man, NASA, & Artificial Life".
July 13, 2010 - Bruce Damer spoke at the October Gallery, in Holborn, London, UK on "Eckart Tolle's Egos, Terence McKenna's Elves and Bruce Damer's Avatars - Tools to Forge or Forego a New Earth" (audio podcast on Shamanic Free Radio here: Part1 and Part2).
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March 13, 2010 - Bruce was featured on the BBC World Service Radio programme The Forum and you can listen to his segments here including his 60 second idea to change the world, the Planetary Mood Ring.
January 28, 2010 - CBS News / CNET interviewed Bruce on James Cameron's film Avatar in Getting a Peek at Future of Virtual Worlds. Read his full interview with Daniel Terdiman here at Terra Nova.
January 20, 2010 - Bruce Damer's talk at the SETI Institute, Mountain View, CA: The EvoGrid: Building an Origin of Life Simulator & Its Implications for Life, the Universe and Everything
January 8, 2010 - Bruce and the DigiBarn are featured in a top story on News.com Inside the world's long-lost first microcomputer.
See all events for 2010 (through DigitalSpace) here.
2009 - September
September 29, 2009 - EvoGrid covered in story in the New York Times (may require subscription). See the NY Times article reproduced at NextNow and also this story in Popular Science.
2009 - July
July 2-6th, 2009 - Story ‘Toy universe’ may solve mystery of life’s origins on Bruce Damer's EvoGrid project featured on Space.com and numerous other sites around the web including MSNBC and Chris Jablonski's blog on ZDNet and on the Russian site DRIVE2.RU.
2009 - April
April 8, 2009 - Bruce presented the EvoGrid at Dorkbot San Francisco @ the Gallery With No Name on Folson (Fusso, Herzbach). View the HD Vimeo video here, thanks James Young of Pronoiac.org!
2009 - February
February 8, 2009 -
Bruce Damer presenting at Timothy Leary archives benefit event held in San Francisco. See photo taken by Celeste here.
February 6, 2009 - Bruce and the team from the Timothy Leary Archives project (Futique Trust) are quoted in News.com's story Timothy Leary's archives: Bridge from '60s to '90s (Daniel Terdiman).
2009 - January
January 7, 2009 - Bruce and others from the Digibarn crew and others appeared on stage at MacWorld 2009 in San Francisco for their part in the new feature documentary MacHeads the Movie.
January 6, 2009 - Review of MacHEADS on CNET.
See all events for 2009 (through DigitalSpace) here.
2008 - December
December 2008 - Bruce in Randy Farmer's Habitat Chronicles blog for the IMVU-Forterra Word Baloon patent battle.
December 15, 2008 - Galen Brandt & Bruce Damer to appear in MacHeads The Movie premiere @ MacWorld, Jan 7, 2009. CNET Story: 'MacHeads' film to debut at MacWorld.
December 5, 2008 - Bruce appeared in a special program on Steve Wozniak on American Life TV: Moments that Changed Us.
2008 - November
Book launched! Divine Action and Natural Selection - Science, Faith and Evolution (Seckbach and Gordon, Editors) with a chapter by Bruce Damer "The God Detector" (November 2008)
View Vimeo video of Bruce Damer talking about Near Earth Objects (NEOs) an the risks and opportunities they pose, at the IEET workshop on GLOBAL CATASTROPHIC RISKS: Building a Resilient Civilization (November 14, 2008) MP3 audio is here. as well as a complete transcript (thanks Drew!)
Bruce Damer appeared in a FastCompany Call-in on October 28th, 2008 with Tish Shute, hosted by Donald Schwartz (Wrap up Nov 8, 2008)
2008 - October
Megan Voeller's artsqueeze blog on Creative Loafing featured Bruce Damer's iDoublet and talk at the Sarasota International Design Summit (Oct 2008)
October 27-29, 2008 - Bruce Damer's "Cyberspace, Streetspace, OuterSpace and BioSpace" keynote at the Sarasota International Design Summit.
2008 - July
Bruce's Terra Nova column mentioned in From the Margins to the Mainland: the Future of Virtual Worlds? Kotaku Australia (July 2008)
Bruce Damer's next (final part) Terra Nova guest column "Virtually Eternal: A Positive Pathway to a Healthy and Sustainable Virtual Worlds Industry?"
Bruce quoted in computerworld article about Cisco CEO John Chambers (July 2008)
The Texas Digital Library's first edition of the Journal of Virtual Worlds Research features an article by Bruce Damer: "Meeting in the Ether: A brief history of virtual worlds as a medium for user-created events".
2008 - June
Bruce Damer's new (first part) Terra Nova guest column "A New Virtual World Winter?" for June 2008 generated this commentary on Slashdot and commentary over at gamer news site Kotaku as well as a comment from Cisco CEO John Chambers here Cisco chief lauds coming virtual-world technology Virtual worlds will succeed eventually, Chambers says.
June 18, 2008 - Kobi Shely excerpts the MacHeads the Movie excerpt of Bruce in his iDoublet in the Digibarn here. See Kobi's full blog here and the Cyberwearz site here.
May 8, 2008 - Bruce and the Digibarn featured in Christian Science Monitor story "California Museums tell the history of computing" By Ben Arnoldy and Teresa Méndez.
The iDoublet in an excerpt from MacHEADS the Movie
- thanks Kobi Shely of MacHEADS the Movie).
2008 - April
April 25, 2008 -
Bruce and his 'iDoublet" design in the Second Skin fashion show,
Video and Photographs at www.cyberwearz.com , Exploratorium, San Francisco, CA.
April 24, 2008 - Bruce Damer and Allan Lundell on the DigiBarn Computer Collection on CNET TV in San Francisco.
April 12, 2008 - Bruce was on stage at Yuri's Night at NASA's Ames Research Center.
2008 - March
Bruce Damer is featured in the Discovery Channel four part series: Human Body, Pushing the Limits. See Bruce in Part 4: Brain Power (recorded in May 2007). Play excerpt below (posted by a fan on YouTube):
2008 - January/February
Bruce Damer was featured in CNET TV's Tales of Silicon Valley - episodes about the Digibarn
UgoTrade's Tish Shute featured EvoGrid: Bruce Damer’s Vision for the 22nd Century in her blog on Feburary 14, 2008
Bruce Damer and Galen Brandt to be featured in MacHEADS the movie (see Blog here) and Youtube Trailer here (recorded January 2007).
See all events for 2008 (through DigitalSpace) here.
2007 - November
Bruce Damer's design for a human mission to an asteroid done by DigitalSpace for a NASA feasibility study is covered in a cover story for Popular Science, NASA's New Target (story by Dawn Stover, November 2007).
Bruce was interviewed by Ido Hartogsohn for the Israeli web site Nana (www.nana.co.il), about the possibility for a metaverse, Note this article is in Hebrew. The English version of the original interview is here. (Nov 2007)
2007 - October
October 5, 2007 - Bruce Damer's design simulation movie (produced for NASA by DigitalSpace and DM3D Studios) of a human mission to an asteroid, as featured on Space.com.
October 4, 2007 - Bruce quoted in a special story by Tom Merritt "Tales of Silicon Valley" about the Digibarn and the "two cultures of Apple" on CNET (news.com).
October 2, 2007 - Bruce quoted in a special story "How NASA helped invent Silicon Valley" on CNET (news.com). Excerpt:
But the impact of the Apollo program on commercial technology goes far beyond such highly specialized equipment and missions. According to Bruce Damer, founder of the DigiBarn computer museum and a frequent NASA contractor himself through his company DigitalSpace, it's possible to draw a direct evolutionary link between the simple flight simulators NASA was using for the Apollo astronauts in 1967 and 1968--what he called "one of the first highly interactive computer environments"--and some of the early commercial video games.Similarly, NASA's work with wind tunnels at Moffett became so expensive that the agency decided to turn to supercomputers for more cost-effective simulations.
And that, in conjunction with work done at Ames on tele-operations and telepresence--research that tried to simulate the interior of the space shuttle--led to the creation of 3D graphics, head-mounted displays and early virtual reality technology, all partially funded by NASA.
2007 - September
Bruce was guest columnist in ACM interactions magazine. Title of the column: "Meeting in the Ether" about the history of avatars and virtual worlds. You can see an extended version of that column here.
2007 - August
![]() Bruce and the Digibarn on News.com (Aug 2007) |
![]() Bruce and Al on the digibarn on CNET TV (Aug 2007) |
2007 - July
![]() Space.com highlighted the DigitalSpace design for a human mission to a NEO in a wide ranging, excellent interview by veteran space journalist Leonard David. See the narrated movie of our design simulation hosted by Space.com here. |
2007 - March
Bruce featured in stories on the second wave of avatars in the Christian Science Monitor and USA Today (16 Mar 2007), and the Philadelphia Inquirer with a companion article here (18 Mar 2007)
2007 - February
Bruce on KION 46 (CBS) on Second Life (Feb 22, 2007)
View Quicktime format (streaming) or Windows format (52MB highrez)
See all events for 2007 (through DigitalSpace) here.
2006 - November
Nov 9, 2006 - Bruce was Newsmaker of the day on CNET, read
interview here. Also see the virtual worlds timeline project.
![]() Bruce, Steve Wozniak, Daniel Kottke, Chris Espinosa and Randy Wigginton presented: Apple@30, 1976: Apple in the Garage (Nov 4, 2006) |
November 4-5, 2006 - DigiBarn hosts Apple's 30th Birthday Party!
January 5, 2006 - CanWest story about Bruce and the DigiBarn.
See all events for 2006 (through DigitalSpace) here.
2005 - November
Bruce appears in Emmy-nominated "How William Shatner Changed the World" on Discovery, History Channels
(broadcast in HD, continuously, worldwide).
January 2005 - Icons .net Revolutionaries: Interview in Internet.au (interview by Erik Davis, Nov 2004).
See all events for 2005 (through DigitalSpace) here.
See all events for 2004 (through DigitalSpace) here and all events for 2004 (through the Contact Consortium) here.
See all events for 2003 (through DigitalSpace) here and all events for 2003 (through the Contact Consortium) here.
October 18, 2002 - Living in an Artificial World, report on Pop!Tech Conference, Camden, Maine (Wired)
September 4, 2002 - JD Lasica talks to Bruce Damer: "The author of ‘Avatars’ talks about cyber cocktail parties and the concept of shared virtual worlds".
July 13, 2002 - DigiBarn Computer Museum Grand Opening
June 14, 2002 - May I Have This Avatar? (Wired)
April 15, 2002 - A Top-Secret, One-of-a-Kind Mac (Wired)
See all events for 2002 (through DigitalSpace) here and all events for 2002 (through the Contact Consortium) here.
May 2001 - Interview in Click Magazine: Digital Space Cowboy Cyberspace visionary Bruce Damer is bringing another dimension to the web: the third one (by Nicole Auch Freeling).
See all events for 2001 (through DigitalSpace) here and all events for 2001 (through the Contact Consortium) here.
See all events for 2000 (through DigitalSpace) here and all events for 2000 (through the Contact Consortium) here.
February 25, 1999 - Virtual AllChemical Powwow with Terence McKenna and Bruce Damer (in Avatar Cyberspace).
February 1999 - El arte digital se abre al ámbito más conocido de la Red, Bruce Damer on Nerves (iWorld in Spanish)
See all events for 1999 (through DigitalSpace) here and all events for 1999 (through the Contact Consortium) here.
November 26, 1998 - NEWS WATCH; Virtual Meeting Held For 4,000 Who Stayed Home (New York Times).
March 18, 1998 - Sun taking on 3D in Java in CNET.
See all events for 1998 (through DigitalSpace) here and all events for 1998 (through the Contact Consortium) here.
December 18, 1997 - Public Eye; One second you're James Taylor, the next you're Freud in New York Times.
December 12, 1997 - Bruce Damer, auteur van 'Atavar! Exploring and building virtual... (in Dutch) NRC Handelsblad.
November 20, 1997 - A Digital You in the Austin-American Statesman (Note, story is pay per view)
October 22-24, 1997 - Avatars97 Conference Launches (San Francisco)
October 14, 1997 - VRML has promise, but when will it be practical? on CNN.com.
August 4, 1997 - Virtual Plants, Insects Twine through Net, on Nerve Garden at SIGGRAPH (Wired)
January 9, 1997 - Avatars give cyberpeople presence, Leslie Miller (USA TODAY archive).
See all events for 1997 (through DigitalSpace) here and all events for 1997 (through the Contact Consortium) here.
July 10, 1996 - Story in PRNewswire, excerpt: "Worlds Inc., the worldwide leader in Internet Virtual Reality, today announced that their online multiuser 3-D community, AlphaWorld, will be the exclusive 3-D English location for the first ever 3-D singles party on the World Wide Web. The event is hosted by the Contact Consortium, a non-profit organization committed to online communication and community building, and Match.com, a leading online dating service."
October 26-27, 1996 - Earth to Avatars 1996 Conference Launches (Contact Consortium, San Francisco).
See all events for 1996 (through DigitalSpace) here and all events for 1996 (through the Contact Consortium) here.
See all events for 1995 (through DigitalSpace) here and all events for 1995 (through the Contact Consortium) here.
For more check out Dr.Bruce's spoken word pieces and his video pieces
Click here to contact Bruce or send comments on this website.
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Bruce Damer... want to use something from this site? See rights granted under my Creative Commons license and contact me.